Little Orphan Annie Decoder Pin

With Christmas only a couple of weeks in the past, I have Ralphie on the brain. Ralphie and his Little Orphan Annie decoder pin & of course the Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle!!

Today begins the "up to 90 days" waiting period for my 8 year old son, Luigi.

First off... 90 days? Seriously?? Luigi was none to thrilled to hear that he'd have to wait so long for his Indiana Jones canteen (courtesy of Pop Tarts) He informed me that it will most likely come by the end of next week. And then informed me that it had better come by the end of next week or he will never eat another Pop Tart in his life.

Around here, ain't nothin' comes free. I'm proud to say that my kids know the value of a dollar. If they want something, they work for it and they save their money until they can afford it. There's no such thing as borrowing and paying me back later. If he's willing to swear off of Pop Tarts for all of eternity just because it takes awhile for his shit to show up, can you imagine what will happen if it never shows? All that hard work to earn $5.99 and nothing in return? Oh man...

FYI, I swell up with pride when they hear the words 'credit card' and begin a long winded speech about why credit cards suck and how it's better to just have a little self-control & discipline. "$1 for a box of candy or $100 for a box of candy. Which would you rather pay?" Okay, so maybe I exaggerated interest rates a tad bit, but... they understand my point.

My little boy is growing up. Sending away for his very first mail-in offer. Oh I'm so proud!! It broke my heart a little when he proudly trotted out to the mailbox, put his envelope inside and then realized he wouldn't be able to lift the ever so important red flag. The damn thing was frozen to the side of the mailbox. I knew this because I saw the look of horror on his face as he began shaking the flag like his life depended on it. Oh how I hate Illinois weather.

Don't forget that today is Monday. That means our new Site of the Week and Post of the Week is up at Text Imps.
Posted on 7:54 AM by Chris and filed under , | 3 Comments »


HeatherPride said... @ January 13, 2009 at 2:46 PM

Poor kid, probably had a panic attack thinking that the mailman would miss his important letter! Good luck with the mail-in, I'm so excited for him!

Michelle said... @ January 13, 2009 at 5:29 PM

Hopefully the people at Pop Tarts won't let him down!

Chris said... @ January 13, 2009 at 5:34 PM

He came home today and said "I assume it didn't come today?!?" This is gonna be a long wait for both of us I think.

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