Feeling Guilty

No - It's not gonna be a juicy story... sorry..... just some blog brain guilt.

Something I try not to do is to leave links to my own posts/pages/sites in other people's comments. But you know what.... in the past hour.... I did it not once, but twice!! What the heck's up with that?

But dangit... I have good reason! The first post I was replying to was about laughter & the 2nd post had the word 'crap' in it twice. My comments included hints to go watch the video that I have in the sidebar of Text Imps right now.

That video has caused countless hours of laughter in my house over the past couple days. I was even asked to download it and put it on Luigi's mp4 player. That was fine by me because it meant he'd stop asking to use my computer to watch the youtube channel over and over.... and over...

And as far as 'crap', well, the little piggy in the video says Aww Crap. And it cracks me up every single time!!! He says it in some of his other videos, too and again, I laugh every single time!

Alright... I feel a little better now that I got that off of my chest. And I promise I won't do it again... Promise...
Posted on 8:59 AM by Chris and filed under | 5 Comments »


Mr. and Mrs. Nurse Boy said... @ January 27, 2009 at 9:53 AM

So, I was one of those comments, but I went and watched the video and YOU WERE RIGHT! Very funny! So, thanks for the suggestion, no guilt necessary.

I can always use a good laugh. Laughter between the demands of the daily grind is necessary in my life!

Thanks for sharing!

The Mrs.

thecookie said... @ January 27, 2009 at 3:29 PM

it's all good!

Cant Hardly Wait said... @ January 27, 2009 at 10:19 PM

AND you told me to read about your take on the Idol thing. And while I thought the blind guy was an awesome singer... I about died when Ryan went to high five him. At first I was like "What a douche bag" and then I was like "Oh RYAN."

Chris said... @ January 27, 2009 at 10:23 PM

OMG What the hell is wrong with me today!!!!

The Stiletto Mom said... @ January 29, 2009 at 2:46 PM

Ah ha! I finally found your personal blog! You'll never get rid of me now!!! *evil laugh*

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